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Welcome to the

Southern Tier

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New Meeting Location

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Starting in January 2025 we will be meeting at the


Johnson City Senior Center

 located at


​ 30 Brocton St. Johnson City, NY 13790



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Also New:

STOS now has a snail mail address

PO Box 607, Endicott, NY 13761

Speaker for Jan 19 Meeting:

Ray Barkalow
on "Orchid Nutrition"

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Ray will explain the orchid root system and the role it plays in the health of our orchids. He will offer guidance on how to care for our orchid's roots. Ray runs First Rays in Oak Island, North Carolina, The Club can place a group order  and receive a discount if there is enough interest. Contact if you are interested.


The meeting is in person and Ray will zoom in. Hopefully those of you who cannot attend in person will be able to catch Ray via zoom as well. Details will be emailed closer to the meeting date.


Ray has written several articles for the AOS magazine. Here is Ray's background, in his own words:


With my mother being a “farm girl” from central Saskatchewan who loved to have the house filled with tropical houseplants, I have been surrounded by them my whole life, and I suppose that I was “destined” to grow orchids, as I have had some pretty close contact with well-know orchid establishments without even knowing it:


â–º  As a young child, I lived a couple blocks from Walter Off and Waldor Orchids in Linwood NJ.  I knew about the greenhouses, but didn’t give it another thought.

â–º  My father was transferred to England in the 60’s, and we lived quite close to a preeminent grower and breeder of orchids, Black & Flory.  I went by it every day on the way to school, but again – no interest.

â–º  Later we moved to northwest Washington DC, and the Maryland suburb of Kensington was a high school stomping ground.  I had a friend who lived a couple of blocks from Kensington Orchids, but I had no idea it existed.

â–º  I had a friend at college named Roger Huntington, and about a year into our friendship, I learned he was Merritt’s son. (Merritt owned Kensington Orchids and held several executive positions in the AOS.) Later, Merritt gave me discounts whenever I visited while home for the Holidays!


My orchid growing began when I was a Ceramic Engineering student at Georgia Tech.  After about a year of volunteering my time at the public greenhouses in Piedmont Park – now the Atlanta Botanical Gardens – the orchid grower there gave me a big, “floofy” purple cattleya. It took me about two years to kill it via the typical root rot-desiccation cycle torture, and at the time, I simply “did not kill plants,” so I was determined to learn more and got addicted like everyone else.  Needless to say, in the decades since, I’ve learned that I am a very effective plant killer…   (Isn’t it true that you’re not an orchid-growing “pro” until you have killed your weight in plants?) I am known for my scientific approach to growing, looking at the factual “whys” behind the “myths” that are spread about orchid culture, allowing me to confirm or disprove them.


During my professional career in the chemical industry, I had many opportunities to travel internationally, and put together an extensive collection of orchids from around the world, mostly purchased from street vendors and shipped back to myself on my import permit (pre-CITES).  That travel schedule (averaging 13 flights a week for 3.5 years at one point) led to a great deal of experimentation surrounding keeping plants healthy and happy during my absences, and that’s what led to the development of Semi-Hydroponics.


First Rays came into being by accident – literally – courtesy of a greenhouse heater and alarm failure on a 7°F night in January of 1994.  That 20-year collection of plants from around the world was a total loss.  After a few months, I purchased a new heater and alarm system wrote them off as business expenses, even though I had no idea how I’d make a business out of orchids.


Shortly thereafter, I divided the first couple of replacement plants I had purchased at the Philadelphia Flower Show, created a text-only web page listing them, and offered the extra divisions to the internet orchid community via a post to the Comp-U-Serve Gardening Forum.  Within three hours I had two orders, and I knew how I’d make it a business.


I am now beyond my 50th year of orchid growing and First Rays has surpassed 30 years of operation, although a lot smaller than it was at its peak, before I retired from my “real job”. To me, the best part about the business is the exposure it has provided, allowing me to meet and communicate with folks from around the world on the fascinating subject of orchids.  Sharing the obsession is second only to growing the plants.

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Photo by Christine Chin

Holiday Party - a GreatTime

 We met downstairs in the large dining hall of the church for great food and great fun and great orchid gifts. All members received a free orchid, most of them were in bloom or in bud. Thanks to our auction committee, Jeff, Jean and Jane, for making this happen. The orchids came from Bergen Water Gardens, near Rochester, NY who also supplied a few carnivorous plants. Extra plants were all sold to willing members.  There were beautiful blooming orchids on our Show Table as well.

Many thanks to those who helped setup and cleanup, a special thanks to our Social Director, Ruth Allen, who organized the event, including making the table decorations. We all felt in the Holiday Spirit, with music provided by Melissa Bloom, our IT Specialist.

November Guest Speaker: Larry Nau

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​Chilochista viridiflava
Photo Courtesy of Jean Mint

Officer Elections
at the Oct 20 meeting

The Votes are in! Around 40 members attended the October meeting and the following officers were voted in unanimously:


President: Linda Mittel

Vice-President: Ruth Allen

Secretary: Chris Higgins

Treasurer: Angel Caoile 

AOS Rep: Polly Dillon

Member-at-Large: Jeff Hackett


We also filled  various committee chair and member positions.

Show Co-charis: Jeff Hackett and Sam Hance

Newsletter Editor: Jeff Hackett

Auction Committee: Jane Trey and Jeff Hackett

We could use an assistant Treasurer.

Anyone interested in being more involved in our Society, please send an email to to find out more or express your interest.


Since the election, Angel has stepped down as Treasurer and Joe Sniezek has agreed to take on the position. Joe is a long time member who has returned after a short absence. He has a financial background and was the creator of our current website, moving it from a very old platform. This was a huge job for which he accepted no payment. Now he is helping us out again. 

 Calendar 2025

 New meeting location:

Johnson City Senior Center

30 Brocton St. Johnson City, NY 13790


Meetings are in person and we are hoping to Zoom them as well. â€‹

The meetings  are 2-4 pm with 'social time' 1:30-2:00.


January 19     Speaker Ray Barkalow on "Orchid Nutrition"


February 16   Speaker Tim Culbertson on "Holcoglossums-The Next Big Thing in Vandaceous Orchids"​


March 16      Spring Auction-online, Speaker Clark Reilly - Greenhouse talk​


April 12-13    STOS Orchid Show â€‹


May 18          Repotting Workshop


June-July-August   Summer Recess


August         Picnic 


Sept 21      Fall Auction - in person


Oct 19       Vote for Officers, Speaker TBA


Nov 16      Speaker TBA


Dec 21      Holiday Party



Original discovery site of Phragmipedium besseae near Moyobamba, Peru

Photo:  Luis J. Matienzo (STOS)

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​Phragmipedium besseae

Photo by John Zygmunt

For our Members 

Odontoglossum 'Mystic Maze' -- Carol Bayles


Executive Board


Linda Mittel


Vice President

Ruth Allen



Joe Sniezek



Chris Higgins


AOS Representative

Polly Dillon



Loi Tran

Gail Gunsalus

Jeff Hackett

 Committee Chairs

Newsletter Editor

Jeff Hackett​


Social Media

Loi Tran, Renee DePrato, Jean Mint



Laurel Shaefer


Show Co-chairs

Jeff Hackett and Sam Hance


Program Coordinator

Jean Mint


Auction Committee

Jeff Hackett, Jane Trey, Jean Mint


Social Director

Ruth Allen


IT Specialist

Melissa Bennett


Web Master

Carol Bayles

Annual Show

Orchid Show 2025 

We are excited to announce a NEW VENUE for our show in 2025. The show will be held at the Johnson City Senior Center, 30 Brocton Street, Johnson City, NY.  We will have a much larger space and more rooms for other needs. The dates will be April 12-13, with setup on April 11 and judging on April 12. We may expand our hours but this has not been determined yet.  Mark your calendars and tell your friends!

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STOS Annual Orchid Show 2024
A Huge Success

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STOS Display 1st Place  Photo: Christine Chin

The Southern Tier Orchid Society held their AOS-judged orchid show on

April 20-21, 2024

at the Roberson Museum and Science Center, 30 Front Street, Binghamton, NY


The show featured displays of beautiful and exotic orchids from STOS, the Central New York Orchid Society (CNYOS) The Genesee Region Orchid Society (GROS), and our vendors:


Fair Orchids (Kim Fedderson)

J & L Orchids (Ines and Lucas Carreno)

Taida Orchids (Sammy Lai, Amber)


 There were raffles each day, tours, artwork for sale, potting demos on Sunday, information about orchids, including the vanilla orchid, activities such as scavenger hunts, orchid-gami and more. Admission was FREE.

STOS memberships were half-price for new members.


Meet the Artists whose work was for sale:

  • John Carnessali (Syracuse, NY): This photographer combines his passion for orchids with his keen eye to capture their delicate beauty in captivating photos.

  • Christine Chin (Ithaca, NY): An artist and photographer, Christine's love for orchids shines through her work, inspiring all who see it.

  • Raelynn Dieffenbach (Troy, PA): From creating watercolors to mixed media featuring orchids and other botanicals, Raelynn's artistic journey culminates in a stunning display at the STOS show.

  • Charlotte Holden (Lewisboro, NY): This acclaimed illustrator has created botanical works for prestigious institutions like the NY Botanical Garden and the San Francisco Orchid Society. 


 Award Info

List of Awards

There were no AOS awards given at the show.

For more photos:

STOS 2024 Show Photos by Christine Chin




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Habitat of Phragmipedium kovachi, undisclosed location,

San Martin Department, Peru

Photo:  Pablo Bermudez, Peruvian Orchid Club

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